120 Peace Captions for Instagram

Life can be chaotic, so taking some time to relax or take a moment of reflection can help create peace.

Whether you’re posting a peace quote, a tranquil landscape or a quiet moment of self-reflection, I’ve made a list of peace captions for Instagram to pair with your photos.

So, invite your followers to pause and take a deep breath, and inspire them with these calm and peaceful captions!

Peace Captions For Instagram

Share moments of tranquility and peacefulness with these captions for Instagram.

  1. Let go of anything that takes your peace.
  2. Peace ♥ Purpose ♥ Present
  3. Find the moments where your soul feels at peace.
  4. Peace, love, and [whatever your photo is depicting].
  5. Today I choose peace.
  6. Be intentional about protecting your peace.
  7. Finding peace in the little things.
  8. It’s not worth the negative energy.
  9. Creating peace in my every day.
  10. Peace is right here.
  11. Let peace be your guide.
  12. Take time to rest.
  13. We deserve peace.
  14. Peace starts in the heart ♥
  15. Sometimes the smallest things in life are the ones that bring us the most peace.
  16. Find your peace and focus on the good things.
  17. Now entering a state of zen.
  18. One step at a time.
  19. In the midst of chaos, I find stillness 🧘‍♂️
  20. My soul is at peace.

Short Peace Captions

Captions don’t need to be long! Keep them short with these peace captions.

  1. Prioritize your peace.
  2. Manifesting peace ☮️
  3. Pursuing peace.
  4. Peace vibes.
  5. Nourish your soul.
  6. Peaceful perspective.
  7. Peaceful mind = peaceful life.
  8. Peace is power.
  9. Peace and positivity.
  10. At peace.
  11. Peacekeeper.
  12. Choosing peace.
  13. Peace out ✌
  14. My peaceful place.
  15. Tranquility.
  16. Seeking peace.
Peace captions for Instagram

Peace Captions For Nature Photos

Share your nature photos with these peace captions.

  1. Find peace in nature.
  2. Nature is good for the soul.
  3. POV: Finding inner peace amongst the trees.
  4. Take peaceful walks.
  5. Taking a break from the mayhem.
  6. Taking a break to recharge.
  7. If you want to find inner peace, find a place in nature.
  8. The serenity of nature.
  9. Lost in the peace of nature.
  10. “Nature is not a place to visit, it is home.” – Gary Snyder
  11. “What is the good of your stars and trees, your sunrise and the wind, if they do not enter into our daily lives?” – E.M. Forster
  12. “My wish is to stay always like this, living quietly in a corner of nature.” – Claude Monet
  13. “A walk in nature walks the soul back home.” – Mary Davis
  14. “Where flowers bloom, so does hope.” – Lady Bird Johnson
  15. “In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” – John Muir
  16. “Time spent amongst trees is never wasted time.” – Katrina Mayer
  17. “I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles.” – Anne Frank

Peace Captions for the Beach

Being by the ocean is a great place to find peace. Share your beach photos with these captions!

  1. POV: Finding peace at the beach.
  2. Sky above, sand below, peace within.
  3. Peace is here at the beach.
  4. The ocean soothes my soul.
  5. Saltwater cures everything.
  6. Nothing soothes the soul like a day by the ocean.
  7. At the beach my heart is at peace.
  8. Sometimes the only way to find peace is to go to the beach.
  9. “As the sea is beautiful not only in calm but also in a storm, so is happiness found not only in peace but also in strife.” – Ivan Panin
  10. “When anxious, uneasy and bad thoughts come, I go to the sea, and the sea drowns them out with its great wide sounds, cleanses me with its noise, and imposes a rhythm upon everything in me that is bewildered and confused.” – Rainer Maria Rilke
  11. “The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea.” – Karen Blixen
  12. “If the ocean can calm itself, so can you. We are both salt water mixed with air.” – Nayyirah Waheed

Self Peace Captions For Instagram

Share your thoughts on finding inner peace with these captions.

  1. Finding my inner peace.
  2. Find your own peace ☮ 
  3. Inner peace is vital.
  4. Protect your inner peace.
  5. It’s ok to say no.
  6. Establishing boundaries and creating peace.
  7. My own peace begins with me.
  8. Peace comes from within.
  9. Let go of anything that disrupts your inner peace.
  10. Inner peace is the key to a happy heart. ❤️
  11. Be at peace with yourself. You deserve it.
  12. Never give up on finding inner peace.
  13. Peace begins on the inside and radiates to the outside.
  14. “True contentment is not having everything, but in being satisfied with everything you have.” – Oscar Wilde.
  15. “Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.” – Dalai Lama
  16. “When we are unable to find tranquility within ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere.” – François de La Rochefoucauld
Peace captions for Instagram

Peace Captions For Girls

These peace captions are perfect for girls!

  1. Focus on what soothes your soul.
  2. Entering my peace girl era.
  3. Hippie soul ☮ 
  4. Peaceful girl era.
  5. The real fortune is a peace within your soul.
  6. Peaceful minds create beautiful lives.
  7. Girl, your inner peace is your important.
  8. Inhale peace, exhale stress.
  9. I finally know peace.

Quiet Captions For Instagram

Take a moment of quiet reflection with these Instagram captions.

  1. Peace and quiet.
  2. Meditation and mindfulness.
  3. Make time for yourself.
  4. Less noise, more peace.
  5. Finding a moment of a quiet in the busyness of life.
  6. Chasing quietness.
  7. Quiet > chaos
  8. Solitude creates peace.
  9. Silence = Peace.
  10. “The world is quiet here.” – Lemony Snicket
  11. “Sometimes it is the quiet observer who sees the most.” – Kathryn L. Nelson
  12. “Silence is never empty.” – Craig D. Lounsbrough

Taking a moment of peace and quiet in solitude? Check out our alone captions for Instagram.

Calm Captions For Instagram

Share calmness and serenity with your followers with these captions.

  1. Finding calm in the chaos.
  2. The path to serenity.
  3. Find your zen.
  4. Find your calm.
  5. Connect to what makes your calm.
  6. Calm your mind.
  7. Be the calm in the chaos.
  8. “Freedom is a calm mind.” – Shane Parrish

Peace Quotes

If you’re struggling to find the words, use these peace quotes instead!

  1. “There is peace even in the storm.” – Vincent van Gogh
  2. “You cannot find peace by avoiding life.” – Michael Cunningham
  3. “You can find peace amidst the storms that threaten you.” – Joseph B. Wirthlin
  4. “You cannot find peace by avoiding life.” – Virginia Woolf
  5. “Peace brings with it so many positive emotions that it is worth aiming for in all circumstances.” – Estella Eliot
  6. “If there is to be any peace it will come through being, not having.” – Henry Miller
  7. “Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” – Buddha
  8. “It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
  9. “You will find peace not by trying to escape your problems, but by confronting them courageously. You will find peace not in denial, but in victory.” – J. Donald Walters
  10. “Peace is a journey of a thousand miles and it must be taken one step at a time.” – Lyndon B. Johnson

Still having trouble with your captions? Read guide to writing captivating captions!