How to Write Engaging Instagram Captions

Captions are an vital part of posting to Instagram; they add context, promote engagement and add some extra personality to your posts! However, crafting the perfect caption can be difficult and time consuming, which is why you’ll find this guide full of tips to help write engaging copy!

Why is a good Instagram caption important?

A good Instagram caption is important because it’s crucial to your social media success! This is because:

  • Clear and effective Instagram captions can create more engagement – this is important when it comes to Instagram’s algorithm.
  • They help your followers understand what you’re selling or what your profile is about.
  • They add context, personality and tell your or your brand’s story.
  • They inspire your followers to take action, for example, comment or click a link.

How to Write the Perfect Instagram Caption

1. Be human

When you’re writing your captions, you don’t want to be too formal or robotic. Just be yourself and write as you speak. You might have a brand voice, but you also want to sound natural and friendly to invite your followers to engage.

2. Write a good first sentence

Instagram hides part of your caption. This means users will only see the first few lines of text unless they click “more”. You need to hook the user in with the good stuff first! Make it compelling or encourage them to engage right away.

Part of the caption is hidden unless the user clicks ‘more’. The caption includes a hook and a call to action in the first two sentences.

3. Ask questions or include a call to action

A question or call to action (CTA) encourages engagement. It allows you to create conversations with your followers, and engagement is also an important part of Instagram’s algorithm. When Instagram sees a post getting engagement, it is more likely to appear in other users’ feeds.

Think about the intention of your post. What is your goal? For example, is it to get people to visit your website or create brand awareness?

Some of examples of CTAs are:

  • Read more on the blog.
  • Link in bio.
  • Swipe to learn more.
  • Vote for your favourite in the comments!
  • Save for later.
  • Tag a friend.

CTA Tip: You don’t have to include your CTA at the end of your caption! Including it near the beginning will make sure it’s not hidden by Instagram.

4. Add value

Give users a reason to follow you! If you offer value in your captions, they’re also more likely to be saved or shared. You can offer value to your audience in different ways. You can educate them with tips and tricks, make them feel inspired or use a witty caption to make them laugh!

Instagram For Business adds value to its followers by offering tips and tricks for success on Instagram.

5. Use Keywords

Use keywords related to your niche and account in your captions.

This helps the Instagram algorithm know what your account is about and increases the chances of your profile being suggested to users who follow similar accounts.

It also helps you to appear in Instagram search when users search for these terms.

Using the correct keywords can lead to more followers!

Example: If you make and sell clothing you could use keywords such as fashion, styling tips and lookbook.

6. Use emojis

Adding emojis can be a great way to add a bit of personality to your feed. They are also great for breaking up long walls of text if you’re writing a long caption.

However, you don’t want to go overboard with the emojis – it needs to make sense with your brand voice and the tone of the post.

Emoji Tip: Pick a set of emojis that you will regularly use in your captions. This will help with your branding and keep your captions consistent.

7. Think about caption length

There’s no right or wrong way when it comes to caption length. You can mix it up and combine both – see what works for your profile! Remember, quality over quantity. The important thing is adding value. Sometimes this might be a witty one liner, and sometimes it might be a longer and more informative post.

Captions can be short and snappy or long and informative.

8. Create content in batches

Content batching is the process of planning and creating a bunch of content in one go. It helps save time, but it can also help you when it comes to writing your captions. If you take the time to focus solely on writing your captions, you can focus more strategically with fewer distractions. Setting aside a specific time to concentrate on writing your captions for the week or month allows your brain to focus on one job and will make it easier. You can also bookmark this post so you can refer to it as you batch write your content!

9. Use hashtags

Instagram lets you use up to 30 hashtags. Hashtags are important as they help people find your post. You can find the perfect hashtags by looking at what your competitors, influencers and audience are using.

To keep your caption clean and aesthetically pleasing, you can hide hashtags at the bottom using several lines of full stops. Some users place them in the first comment, but multiple studies have shown that reach is better when placed within the caption.

Space out your hashtags to make your caption look clean and aesthetically pleasing.

10. Learn from others

Look at what other accounts are doing, especially in your niche. You obviously don’t want to copy them, but social media is all about jumping on trends. Look at what is working on other accounts, and what kind of posts get engagement, and then create an original idea for your own account.

11. Don’t overthink it

The only way you’ll know what works is by posting! The more you post, the more you’ll find out what captions your followers respond to and which they don’t.

Stop overthinking it and just post! The only way your followers will learn about you or your business is by talking about it. Put your content out into the world!

And if you need help, you can always check out our caption ideas and prompts.

Go Write Amazing Captions!

Now you have all the tips you need to start crafting engaging captions!

Got questions? Feel free to comment below!