How to Get More Followers on Instagram in 2024

If you’re struggling with Instagram growth, you’re not alone!

There are lots of accounts working hard to get noticed, and many are finding engagement and reach is not what it used to be.

We know that cracking the Instagram algorithm code can be tough, and competition is fierce!

However, growing your audience on Instagram can absolutely be worth it!

Here are some tips on how to grow your Instagram followers organically.

DON’T BUY FOLLOWERS! Buying followers is against Instagram’s TOS and it will only harm your account. Your follower count might be higher, but you could get shadow banned or suspended from the platform.

Make Your Profile Stand Out

Your Instagram profile is a large part of your online persona, and it’s important to get it right.

You don’t have long to make an impression before a potential follower clicks away, so make it count!

Craft a Compelling Bio

You only have 150 characters to make an impression! Make it clear what your account is about, and introduce yourself.

Speak directly to your audience, add a little personality and try to connect with your ideal follower!

What would make someone new to your profile want to follow you? What are you offering them?

Eloisa introduces herself quickly and clearly – you know her art is bold and colorful and the emojis corroborate this! She also uses the keywords “artist” and “murals” in her name and username and speaks directly to her audience by saying “your walls”.

Top Tip: Emojis are a great way to create short and simple bullet points to make your bio quick and easy to read.

Use Keywords

Use keywords in your name and bio that you want to rank for in Instagram search. You can also use secondary keywords to describe your business or account.

For example, if your primary keyword is “hairdresser”, you can also include secondary keywords like “haircuts”, “hairstyles” and “hair inspiration”.

Use a Clear Profile Photo

Use a clear, sharp image that reflects your brand or personality.

It doesn’t matter if you use a logo or a portrait photo, but the image should be high quality and fit nicely within the circular profile template.

Create a Cohesive Feed

When a potential follower lands on your profile, you want to make a good first impression.

While it doesn’t have to be perfect, users are more likely to follow a feed that is visually appealing.

Source: Latermedia

Add Story Highlights To Your Profile

Add informative and valuable stories to your Highlights.

When a potential follower lands on your profile, they can get to know you, the type of content you post and what value you offer them through your Highlights.

You can choose your Highlight cover photos to fit your branding and make your profile look aesthetically pleasing!

Create A Content Strategy for Growth

Identify High-Engagement Content Types

It’s important to understand your audience and identify the type of content that resonates with them.

Look at other accounts in your niche and see what types of content get high engagement.

Are they quotes, behind-the-scenes pics or infographics? Are they posts on a certain topic or theme?

Experiment with different post types and see what works for you.

Include Reels In Your Content Strategy

Reels should be a major part of your content strategy as they are a great way to reach a new audience.

Instagram shows reels to accounts that don’t follow you, so they are one of the best ways to get your content seen by potential followers.

Use a hook to grab attention, hop on trends, and provide value. Give users a reason to follow you!

This was a reel I made on a new Instagram account with very little followers. It was seen by over 13,000 users!

Create Shareable Content

Create content that makes your followers want to save or share it! It can be inspirational quotes, informative carousels or relatable and funny memes!

Share funny memes that resonate with your audience.

High engagement on these types of posts also show the Instagram algorithm you make quality shareable content!

Include Keywords In Captions

Write descriptive captions that include keywords related to your niche.

Not only are you more likely to appear in search results, but it lets the Instagram algorithm know what your profile is about. It will then be suggested to people who follow similar accounts!

Read more about how to write engaging Instagram captions.

Make Data Driven Decisions

Use Instagram insights to see what content performs best and then replicate it!

What kind of post is it? Is it a reel or a carousel? And don’t forget to look at the content. Does your audience prefer behind-the-scenes glances, quotes or educational content more?

Use Relevant Hashtags

Use hashtags strategically to improve your chances of being discovered.

Each post should use 20-30 hashtags and be specific to your niche.

Find hashtags by searching a keyword on Instagram and see what other accounts in your niche are using.

You can also type hashtags into the search bar on Instagram, and it will offer other popular and similar hashtags.
Look for ones with about 10K-200K posts.

Create a Consistent Posting Schedule

The Instagram algorithm prioritizes accounts that post regularly, and your chances of appearing in the Explore feed and showing up in search results for the keywords you use increase when you post consistently.

It doesn’t have to be every day – set your own pace and create a schedule that is doable for you.

Participate in Conversations

Engage With Your Audience

Engagement is key when it comes to Instagram! Foster a sense of community with your followers by responding to comments and messages.

It’s a social media platform after all, and a genuine human touch can help create connections!

Comment On Other Content

Show Instagram you’re an active and engaged user by engaging in conversations outside your account.

Comment on content from other accounts in a similar niche. There’s also a chance a potential follower might click through to your profile too!

Collaborate With Other Accounts

Partner with influencers and brands that fit well with your account. It gives you the chance to tap into their followers with an endorsement from someone they trust.

Run a Giveaway

Run a giveaway which requires tagging a friend and following your account as entry requirements.

Don’t forget to follow the Instagram promotion guidelines.

Advertise Your Instagram Account

Advertise your Instagram account wherever you can! For example, add social buttons to your website and a link in your newsletters or email signature.

Grow on Instagram

I hope you found these tips useful!

Let me know in the comments how your goals and how you plan to grow your Instagram account this year!